How to make a travel bucket list
You’ve all heard of a bucket list, right?
Well, if you haven’t, it’s basically a list of dreams, objectives, goals and ambitions that you want to achieve, often in a given time like; before I am 40 or even, before I die …
It is a great way of shaping your ideas, and utimately your life, to do some things that you would really like to do or achieve, and we all have dreams, but a bucket list can bring our dreams into our reach.
Want to know how to make a travel bucket list ?
How should you go about making a bucket list for travel?
Well, there are no real techniques, but you may have to sit down for a while and really think about it – so go grab a coffee and I’ll wait here for you to come back.
Right, that didn’t take long, now, where were we? Ah, yes, the bucket list, OK, here are ten tips for you to set your own travel bucket list :
What do you call it? Give it a title – anything you want, but make it meaningful to you; after all it is personal to you, and you alone – only share it if you want to and choose well the people you share it with, you don’t need anyone bursting your ballon before you have even started blowing it up.
Keep it safe. Find the best way of storing it, either on paper or on your computer, just make sure that it is available for you to glance at it and dream. After all, as the saying goes, if you can dream it, you can do it!
Keep it realistic, otherwise you will lose focus and probably not do anything on the list. A bucket list of 50 or 100 itmes just won’t get done, so what’s the point? I have a 20 point bucket list which I made last year and I have already crossed of 3 items and will cross off at least another 3 this year. So this works for me, a 5 to 7 year bucket list seems like far enough ahead and is also a stretch-objective that I want to achieve. That said, we are all different so make it to suit your personality, but maybe don’t go under 3 items …
It’s good for you! If you think about, giving yourself both long-term and short-term goals is a great way to not only improve your life, but also to give you more direction in your life.
Share stuff. Sit down with friends and/or family to bat some ideas around the table, this will also help people to be more involved in your goals and it can also be a good way of generating ideas.
Motivate yourself. Include some of the awesome places that you have already done, or been to, so that you can start crossing things off straight away – this is quite a good motivator.
Don’t overstretch. Keep it as a stretch-objective, but not too unrealistic, don’t put stuff on just because you think it is dangerous or super-scary, mainly because you probably won’t do it. Fighting a shark on a bungee jumpwhilst eating a snake and drinking a Château D’Yqem, probably just won’t happen, so leave it off your list.
Make it mean something. Choose places and experiences that actually mean something to you. If you are not at all spiritual, perhaps an Ashram in rural India is not going to be a fulfilling item on your bucket list.
Keep it seasonal. Think about what you can do according to the seasons. For example it may be pretty difficult to get around Iceland for those drop-dead-gorgeous photos in winter as it may be covered in snow and the daylight hours are short too.
Go back over it. Review your list frequently, take off the unrealistic items and plan the ones you may want to do the most. Sometimes you may remove some items as they may no longer be on your bucket list anyway, it’s an organic document, which moves and changes all the time, as you probably do too.
This is what WikiHow has to say about making bucket lists.
This may help in capturing thos magic moments when going about your travel bucket list.
What other ideas or tips would you add to this list?